Saturday, May 9, 2015

8/5/2015 Quiz Day!

Today there were only 24 of us in the class, which means half of the class already went to their bakti siswa project. Doctor asked us to combine group so that each group can have more people to do the quiz together. There were 3 members from our group present today, who are Veron , Aisyah and I. We decided to join with Erra and Syajidah as there were only 2 of them in their group. I would record down a few questions that we do not know how to answer here and act as a reminder for me.

1) Endotoxin is the toxic that will be secreted out after the dead of cell. The purpose of the toxic is not to protect the bacteria cell, but it is just a metabolic product of the cell. However, the exotoxin is much more harmful as it can be secreted out by cell anytime as it moves from one place to another.

2) If there is a malfunction in periplasm, it will lost the ability to bind with vitamin, ion and enzymes needed for bacterial nutrition.

3) What is found in gram negative envelope?
-Periplasm(in between plasma and outer membrane)
- plasma membrane
- outer membrane
- peptidoglycan

4) What is the difference between cell with cell wall and without cell wall?
-Size of genome
- Ability to survive in hyperosmotic environments
- level of resistance displayed by cell membranes (for example, towards lysozyme)

5) Chelating agent are chemical compounds (usually organic compounds) that form complexes with metal ions or other substrates. Example is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, widely abbreviated as EDTA, an aminopolycarboxylic acid and a colourless, water-soluble solid. It is used to dissolve limescale.

6) When there are cell wall deficient pathogenic bacteria, the most effective way for elimination will be a treatment that would create either a hyper or hypo-osmotic environment for lysis of cell. A sterol rich drug is responsible for destroying lipid.

7) The characteristic of archae
- unicellular
- branched hydrocarbon
- ether linkage between hydrocarbon and glycerol in lipid which is derived from plasma membrane
- pseudomurein in stead of peptidoglycan in bacteria

Remark: ester linkage is found in bacteria

8) In fungi, only oomycetes do not have chitin.

9) Distinct feature of archae cell wall is S layer!

10) Precursor means intermediate and it is usually an electron carrier. Peptidoglycan precursor aid in formation of peptidoglycan.

11) For bigger size of bacteria, they have various nutrient storage that allow them to store excess nutrient.

Advantage of small sized bacteria
1) Ratio of TSA is big
2) Faster movement
3) Shorter generation time

Disadvantage of small sized bacteria
1) High motility rate

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