Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bacteria part 2

We know that Pseudomonas sp. is one of the most studied bacteria. It is nitrogen fixing bacteria and degrade the complex organic molecules in soil. Examples of organic molecules are dead animals and plants. Dead animals provide protein while plants act as a source of cellulose. The absence of these bacteria will cause the dead of plants and animals and they do not have nitrate for usage.

The difference between chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll :
  1. Chlorophyll is found inside chloroplast and it is in eukaryotes (plant).
  2. Bacteriochlorophyll is found only in prokaryotes and it has no thylakoid.
  3. Chlorophyll is green in colour while bacteriochlorophyll is not necessary in green.
Next, Actinomycetes is the most abundant bacteria that can be found in soil. It contributes to the earthy smell especially after raining.

On the other hand, for endospore-forming Gram positive bacteria, Vibrio chlorella considered as a not dominant endospore forming bacteria because their endospore only survive for few hours.

Let's proceed to commercial value of Bacillus spp. Normally it function as a biological insecticides. These Bacillus will lyse the cell membrane through pore formation induced by toxin. Also, some of it will inhibit the action of ribosome and also synthesis of nucleic acid, causes bacteria cannot reproduce. Bacillus anthracis is the king of bioterrorism as it form cutaneous (skin, nail and scalp) anthrax and inhalational anthrax.

What is GRAS bacteria? GRAS is the abbreviation of General Recognize As Safe. One of the GRAS bacteria is Lactobacillus sp. It can be found in milk, cheese and also 'tempeh'.

Snapping fission usually takes a longer time than binary fission and it is the reproduction of Corynebacterium diphtheria, which is a club shaped rod (shorter rod) bacteria.

Furthermore, Mycobacteria, the smallest bacterium is highly resistance in harsh environment although it is not spore-producing. Lastly, Streptomyces produce streptomycin. It has broad spectrum which means it is used to inhibit the growth of many group of bacteria.

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