Wednesday, June 3, 2015


There are a few things that I highlighted in the notes of Fungi.

1) Disease caused by fungi is called mycosis.
2) Lung is the first organ that will come into contact with spores through inhalation.
3) Potato dextrose agar is used for the cultivation of fungi.
4) During diagnosis for infection of lungs, there is a possibility where fungi will be mixed up with Mycobacterium tuberculosis as they are both found in lungs.
5) Mycorhizae is the mutualistic relationship between plant root and fungi. Fungi enhance the absorption of mineral ions in plant roots while it benefits through obtaining soluble organic nutrients from root cells. Example of mycorhizae is truffles.
6) Lichen is the mutualistic relationship between algae and fungi(usually Ascomycota). Algae provide food while fungi provide protection. Lichen may live in a very cold condition. Besides, lichen act as an environmental indicator because it is sensitive to toxin .
7) Microsporidia is an obligate intracellular fungal parasites that infect fish, humans and insects. It is structurally similar to fungi, but lack of mitochondria and centrioles.
8) Plasmodial slime mold will produce 2 types of spores. Non flagellated amoeboid myxamoeba and flagellated swarm cells.
9) Myxomycota is acellular while acrasiomycota is cellular.
10) Oomycota is also known as water mold. It's cell wall is made up of cellulose which is different from fungi.
11) Deuteromycota is known as second fungi or fungi imperfecti. It is due to lack of sexual reproduction and causes it's 'imperfection'.
12) Mycoremediation is the use of fungi for bioremediation while phytoremediation is the use of plant for bioremediation.

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