Thursday, June 4, 2015

Microbial groups

Microbial groups
This is the info graphic done by Veron in group 1!

Since this info graphic concludes all the details in the notes, I will write about the extra information that Dr gave during lectures.

1) What should we do if we do not know the temperature that microbes grow best?
    Answer: Test at different temperature.

2) When we are conducting inoculation, we must use the temperature of natural habitat of the specific microbes in order to achieve the maximum growth. It is because the enzyme present in microbes has already adapted to the temperature of it's surrounding.

3) Biological agent is the use of one living organism to inhibit or kill the other living organism.

4) Fungisites, together with herbicides and insecticides are all pesticides. It is used to inhibit or kill the growth of fungal or their spores to prevent fungal disease. However, when it has been absorbed by fruit, it will become toxicity once ingested into human body.
 Dicarboximide fungicide use for control of botrytis bunch rot Botrytis cinerea on grapes (Figure above).
5) Log phase of fungus is best extract enzyme while secondary metabolites is normally being extracted between log phase and stationery phase.

6) Psychrophiles (optimal at 15°C) > Psychrotrophs (optimal at 20°C) > Mesophiles (optimal at 35°C) > Thermotolerant ( 35°C-40°C) > Thermophiles ( optimal 45°C-50°C)

7) Two Picrophilus species of archaea P.oshimae and P.torridus are of note for their record low of survival at pH 0.

8) Water activity is the amount of water found in substrate that is enough for organism to grow. The highest water activity will be 1.

9) Fungi is xerophilic, which mean they can resist dessication and grow better in lower water amount.

10) Strict anaerobes = obligate anaerobes.

11) Ruminants like cattle, sheep, goats and deer has four chambered stomach. The largest compartment will be rumen where all the obligate anaerobes are located for digestion of plant fibres and starch. Those microbes live in a symbiotic manner where they help ruminants to break down the food and in return the ruminants provide them with shelter and nutrients.

 12) Diazotroph are the nitrogen fixing prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea).

13) Example of organisms using r strategist are bacteria and insects while mammals used K strategists.

14) Autochthonous - Native species in an environment
       Allochthonous - Transient member (Not origin)

15) Biofilm must has cilia to adhere to surface. They are embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) which are generally composed of extracellular DNA, proteins and polysaccharide.

16) Lichen and Biofilm are sensitive to environment. Therefore they act as an indicator as presence of them indicates the surroundings is free of contaminants and pollutants.

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