Thursday, June 4, 2015

Principles of Ecology

Principles of Ecology

There are few main points here:

1) Cellulolytic microbes are found in cattle and termites to hydrolyze cellulose.

2) Ecology is the study of interactions between organism with organism and organism with their environment.

3) Hierarchy in Ecology:
4) Negative interaction includes competition, parasitic and prey and predator.
    Positive interaction includes commensalism and mutualism.

5) Community is made up of many populations. But when it includes the abiotic (non living) factor it is called ecosystem. Abiotic factors are temperature, water, wind, sun light and etc. It can act as a limiting factor as well.

6)  Homeostasis is the balancing of waste and nutrient of organism through flow of energy.

7) In marine food chain, after the dead of photoautotroph like phytoplankton, it became dissolved organic matter. Then, it is digested by protozoa. Protozoa will be ingested by zooplankton which is tiny fishes. Finally, fish or prawn will eat zooplankton.

8) The hydrosphere is the liquid water component of Earth. It includes oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The hydrosphere covers 70% of the surface of the Earth and is the habitat of many organisms.

9) Lithosphere is the outer hard surface of earth. It includes soil and the land.

10) Energy flows in the form of C-C bonds. C-C bonds can be found in molecules such as glucose and proteins.

11) Ultimate fate of energy: Lost as heat
      Ultimate source of energy: Sun

12) Examples of microbes that act as oxygen producer is blue green algae.
Also, nitrogen fixation bacteria such as Nitrosomonas sp. is responsible to turn nitrogen compound into usable form.
Cyanobacteria and protozoa are source of food  in food chain.

13) There are few approaches to effective ecosystem management. For example, stakeholder needs to have diversity of knowledge about the nature. Next, landscape level conservation is conducted to protect wildlife. Lastly, Laws, contracts and agreement have to be implemented.

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